© 2025 State Bicycle Co..
Bryan Harding
Bryan Harding | Since 2010
Major Race Results:
- Circle Jerk Alleycat – 2nd place
- 2x Deathrace – 1st place (with the tattoos to prove it)
- 2018 Chino Grinder (SS) DFL
- A few SSCX podiums and 1st place in the gears of many
Favorite YouTube Video:
Go To Post Ride Snack:
Favorite Song to Ride To:
Not fair, this changes on a weekly basis. I almost didn’t answer this out of protest. Currently Gábor Szabó has been heavy in my rotation.
Hidden Talent:
My dad once tasked me with cleaning the garage and after finding a plethora of baseballs, I self-taught and have been able to juggle ever since.
If you could have lunch with anyone, with whom and where would you go?:
Mark Weir in the middle of his favorite local trail. That dude seems to have a great perspective on the give-n-take of trail usage.
Best Ride Ever:
An overnighter “bikepack” to a beautiful waterfall just East of Tucson with some great folks and pool inflatables.
Worst Ride Ever:
Riding to from Phoenix to Tucson fixed, with a backpack, and (attempting) to ride back the following day. So dumb. Such knee pain. Props to those that finished.
Best piece of cycling advice you ever got:
Take chances.
Catch Me Ridin’:
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