© 2025 State Bicycle Co..
Out of the Saddle with Scott Piercefield
Each month and against our better judgement, we ask a member of the State Bicycle Co. Riding Team to interview a fellow rider. The interview is then presented to the masses (un-edited, mind you) in our ongoing "Out of the Saddle" feature.
In subsequent features, the subject of last month's interview will interview a rider of their choosing. It's like a twist on the game, "Telephone", only more childish. We like to think of "Out of the Saddle" as our small way of getting everybody better acquainted with the maniacs that comprise the State Bicycle Co. Riding Team.
This edition of Out of the Saddle features our favorite mustache, Cody Goodman (@cptnaz) delivering the tough questions to SBC veteran and dignitary, Scott Piercefield. It gets silly real quick.
Cody: What did you have for breakfast?
Scott: Two handfuls of vitamins and an ounce of pure bred husky fur.
Cody: When did you start talking to wild animals?
Scott: It started happening when I moved to Golden, Colorado. I knew little about the area so I had to ask around to find out where the best restaurants and breweries were. Who better to ask than a true local? Unfortunately, my encounters don't usually lead to answers. It's a good 5 years of residency before you are considered a local. Until then, you are just a shoobie and therefore shunned.
Cody: What animal is the least cooperative?
Scott: Definitely the moose. It was too concerned with its baby. Incredibly grumpy.
Cody: What is the weirdest thing your dog has done?
Scott: Everything my dog does is weird but she does have a fascination with her feces during the winter season. Once the feces freeze, she plays around with them as if it's a toy ball. I am constantly on clean-up duty, naturally.
Cody: Track, Alleycat, Sprint, Distance Race?
Scott: Circles in business parking lots. I have done my time and share of fixie races and have the battle scars to prove.
Cody: What was your most memorable bike as a child?
Scott: My full suspension mountain bike in Flagstaff that was 3 sizes too small. I used to ride it to the top of my favorite mountain outside of town and roll big rocks off the nearby cliffs.
Cody: You live in Colorado. What is the highest you have ever gotten? ...Elevation, that is.
Scott: 14,250 feet, 52x17 fixed. Yea boi.
Cody: How has living/training at a high elevation improved your riding?
Scott: The elevation portion has only helped me ride better at high elevation. The weather conditions out here have helped improve my riding the most...probably. Colorado is also home to a ton of world-class athletes and I often get the chance to train with them.
Cody: Would you rather ride in 100+ degrees or ride in the snow?
Scott: The heat has never bothered me but frozen fingers suck. Riding in snow with the right gear is a blast, though.
Cody: Post ride: coffee or beer?
Scott: 12% IPA's all day long. Big fan of Oskar Blues.
Cody: What is the most memorable race you have ever lost?
Scott: The Lord of Griffith in 2012. I was ready to win the race overall when I got a flat with 2 miles to go. I finished the race with a shredded front tire and still won the brakes division. Also, the Red Hook Crit Navy Yard when I was in the winning break and dropped out with a flat.
Cody: Why did you start wearing pink glasses?
Scott: I guess it started once I began racing for State Bicycle. I was told to try to find something unique to stand out. Pink sunglasses worked.
Cody: Where were you when you first heard Riff Raff?
Scott: Summer of 2012 when I came across his profile on Vine. #1 fan ever since.
Cody: What is your favorite Riff Raff song?
Scott: I hate to be that guy that states a song off the newest album but Aquaberry Dolphin is too good. It hits close to home.
Cody: You can normally be found Tip Toeing in your ___________?
Scott: Schloppas
Cody: Boxers, briefs, other?
Scott: Nevernude
Cody: How big of a role does "Rule 7" play in your everyday life? (Tan lines should be cultivated and kept razor sharp.)
Scott: Like cycling, maintaining tan lines is not just a hobby but a lifestyle. You will need to eat sleep and breathe tan line etiquette
Cody: Do you feel you have the sharpest lines in fixed gear?
Scott: I have the sharpest tan lines all years long. I am not seasonal.
Cody: Do you have any advice for younger riders on how they can keep their lines sharp and crisp?
Scott: Sleep with a kit on. NEVER expose the sun to your legs.
Cody: Three fun facts about you.
Scott: I ride bikes. I live in Colorado. I ride bikes in Colorado.
Cody: And lastly, you can be found at?
Scott: Instagram @ scott_piersafelde & Strava @ Scott Piersafelde